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lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Recipe of "Kimchi bok-um-bop" (Receta de Kimchi bok-um-bop")


  Today, I would like to recommend you a dish, 김치 볶음밥 "Kimchi bok-um-bop". If you don't have enough time to eat something, try to make this food. Moreover, It's easy to make and delicious.

*Hoy, quería recomendaros una comida, 김치 볶음밥 “Kimchi bok-um-bop“. Si no tienes mucho tiempo para comer algo, prueba a hacerla. Además, es muy fácil para hacer y es muy buena.



[1] 고추참치 (Red pepper tuna)

*I recommend you to go to Korean supermarket and buy it.

- Tienes que ir a supermercado coreano para comprarlo.

[2] 올리브 유, 밥, 계란, 김치

- Olive oil, rice, 1 egg, Kimchi

- Aceite de oliva, arroz, un huevo, Kimchi

  • 조리 과정Directions/Proceso

[1] 밥을 지어라

- Make rice / Haz el arroz

[2] 팬에 참치 기름을 두른다

- Put around tuna's oil a frying pan.
- Cubre el aceite de atún

[3] 김치를 넣고 볶는다

- Put "Kimchi" in the pan.
- Pon "Kimchi" en la sartén

[4] 밥을 넣고 약 5분간 볶는다

- Put the rice in the pan and fry it 5 mins.
- Pon el arroz en la sartén y frielo 5 mins.

[5] 올리브유 한 스푼 넣고 계속 볶아라

- Put olive oil in the pan and continue to fry.
- Pon el aceite oliva en la sartén y continua freir.

[6] 고추참치를 넣어라 그리고 약불에서 5분간 볶아라

- Put red pepper tuna and fry on low heat 5 mins.
- Cuéce a fuego lento 5 mins.


[7] 계란을 넣고 약불에서 5분간 볶아라

- Put the egg in the pan and fry it 5 mins.
- Pon el huevo en la sartén y cuéce a fuego lento 5 mins

[8]  완성!

- That's it / Ya está


* Korean Language secition / Parte de la lengua coreana

K = ㄱ          Ch = ㅊ

I = ㅣ             I = ㅣ

M = ㅁ          Chi = 치

Kim = 김                                           

B  = ㅂ      Um = 음     B = ㅂ

O =  ㅗ                         O,A = ㅏ

K = ㄲ                          P = ㅂ, ㅃ , ㅍ

볶음 = FRY / FREIR

"Video how to make "Kimchi bok-um-bop"

Thank you


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