Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself a little bit.
I'm korean, but I study in spain. What I want to say is.. my English is not perfect, and also my Spanish is not very good. I studied Spanish 5 months.
Anyway, I'll try to let you know about the korean food and I'll explain it in English, Spanish, and also Korean. Furthermore, you can learn some Korean words if you want. I'll just try it, so understand me plz. Well.. that's it! I'll back into my own buisiness.
I'll introduce one of my favorite food from korea, bibimbop.
In my opinion, it's very good for your health.
쌀(Arroz/Rice) 102g, 달걀 1개(un Huevo/One Egg), 콩나물(Brotes de soja/Bean sprouts) 33g,
시금치(Espinaca/Spinach) 30g, 쇠고기(등심)[Sirloin/Lomo de vaca] 24g,
고사리(Bracken/Culantrilo) 20g, 당근(Carrot/Zanahoria) 16g,
고추장(Gochujang, Red peper paste/Gochuchang, Pasta de arroz mezclado con el chile rojo) 14g,
간장(Soy sauce/Salsa de soja) 4g, 참기름(Sesame oil/Aceite) 4g,
콩기름(Soybean oil/Aceite de soja) 3g, 파(Spring onion/Cebolleta) 1g, 깨(Sesame/Sésamo) 1g,
마늘(Garlic/ajo) 1g, 후추(pepper/pimienta) 1g
조리시간(Cooking time/Hora de cocina)
- 30분(30min.)
- 588kcal [1인분(for one person/para una persona)]
- 과정(Directions/Proceso)
1. 쌀은 깨끗이 씻어 분량의 물을 넣고 밥을 지어 준비한다.
2. 콩나물과 시금치는 데친 후 무친다.
3. 소고기는 간장, 설탕, 다진 마늘, 후추, 참기름에 재워둔다.
4. 당근은 채썰어 팬에 볶아낸다.
5. 고사리는 간장, 참기름, 다진 마늘, 다진 파를 넣고 볶는다.
6. 재워둔 고기는 팬에 볶아낸다.
7. 계란은 반숙으로 후라이하여 준비한다.
8. 밥을 그릇에 담고 준비한 재료를 밥 위에 가지런히 담는다.
9. 고추장과 함께 제공한다.
10. 완성
[In English/Spanish]
- Make rice.(Haz el arroz)
If you don't know how to make rice, watch this video.(Si no sabes como hacer el arroz, ve este video.)
- Parboil bean sprouts and Spinach and then season these things.(Saltea los brotes de soja y las Espinacas y luego, condimenta estos.)
- Season the sirloin with soy sauce, sugar, crushed garlic, pepper and sesame oil.(Reposa el lomo de vaca con la salsa de soja, el azucar, el ajo picado, la pimienta y el aceite.)
- Julienne a carrot and roast with pan.(Corta la zanahoria en tiras y freir.)
- Fry the bracken with soy sauce, sesame oil, crushed garlic and crushed spring onion.
(Frie el helecho con la salsa de soja, el aceite, el ajo picado y la cebolleta picada.)
- Fry the sirloin in pan that seasoned very well.(Frie el lomo de vaca que ya ha reposado.)
- Prepare soft-boiled egg.(Prepara el huevo suave pasado por agua.)
- Put the rice and all the things that prepared into one plate whatever you want.
(Pon el arroz y todos ingredientes que ya ha preparado a una plato que te gustaria.)
- Eat with red pepper paste(Come con Pasta de arroz mezclado con el chile rojo)
*You can buy "Gochujang" in the korean supermarket.(Puedes comprar "Gochujang" en el mercado coreano, hay un mercado cerca de la estacion Alvarado y puedes encontrar la tienda dentro del mercado, se llama "서울 식품")
- That's it! (Ya está!)
<Language section(Para aprender coreano un poco)>
*Bibim = mixing *bop = rice
b = ㅂ bi = 비 a = ㅏ o = ㅗ
m = ㅁ bim = 빔 e = ㅐ u = ㅜ
p = ㅃ bap = 밥 i = ㅣ
*The one tip to understand korean is... just think about it like a draw.
(Si quieres entender coreano bien, mejor que pensar la lengua coreana, como el dibujo.)
This is a video clip how to make bibimbop. I think the recipe is a little bit different, but it doesn't matter.
- Este video es sobre como podemos hacer bibimbop. Pienso que la receta es un poco diferente de mío, pero bueno.
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