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lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

  Hello, How are you?

I'm going to present my favorite fast food, ramen, but with "Kimchi". Actually it's not cooking but I know how to make ramen more delicious. Therefore I decided to let you know my know-how.


  Hola cómo estáis?

Voy a presentar mi comida rápida favorita ramen, pero con Kimchi. Actualmente, no es cocina, pero ya sé cómo hacer ramen más rico. Así que he decidido a recomendar a vosotros mi “Know- how“

*It's very simple Kimchi and ramen / Es muy simple Kimchi and ramen


[1] 물 600ml 를 넣어라

- Pour the water (600ml) to the pot.
- Pon el agua a la olla.

[2] 물이 끓기 시작하면 김치를 넣어라

- When the water boil up, put the kimchi.
- Cuando el egua hierve, pon el kimchi.

[3] 약 5분간 끓여라

- Boil it about 5 mins.
- Cuécelo unos 5 mins.

[4] 모든 재료를 넣어라

- Put all ingredients to the pot.
- Pon todos ingredientes en la olla.

[5] 약 4분간 더 끓여라

- Boil it more 4 mins.
- Cuécelo más 4 mins.

[6] 완성

Complete /Completo

*If you are not full, you can eat boild rice with the soup.
- Si no estás lleno, puedes comer el arroz con la sopa.

* Language Section / El parte de la lengua

[1]안녕!(annyeung) = Hello! , Hola!

An = 안

Neung = .녕

[2]안녕하세요!(annyeung haseyo!) = Hello!, Hola!

- It's an honorific title.
- Es un titulo de honor

  Today, I would like to recommend you a dish, 김치 볶음밥 "Kimchi bok-um-bop". If you don't have enough time to eat something, try to make this food. Moreover, It's easy to make and delicious.

*Hoy, quería recomendaros una comida, 김치 볶음밥 “Kimchi bok-um-bop“. Si no tienes mucho tiempo para comer algo, prueba a hacerla. Además, es muy fácil para hacer y es muy buena.



[1] 고추참치 (Red pepper tuna)

*I recommend you to go to Korean supermarket and buy it.

- Tienes que ir a supermercado coreano para comprarlo.

[2] 올리브 유, 밥, 계란, 김치

- Olive oil, rice, 1 egg, Kimchi

- Aceite de oliva, arroz, un huevo, Kimchi

  • 조리 과정Directions/Proceso

[1] 밥을 지어라

- Make rice / Haz el arroz

[2] 팬에 참치 기름을 두른다

- Put around tuna's oil a frying pan.
- Cubre el aceite de atún

[3] 김치를 넣고 볶는다

- Put "Kimchi" in the pan.
- Pon "Kimchi" en la sartén

[4] 밥을 넣고 약 5분간 볶는다

- Put the rice in the pan and fry it 5 mins.
- Pon el arroz en la sartén y frielo 5 mins.

[5] 올리브유 한 스푼 넣고 계속 볶아라

- Put olive oil in the pan and continue to fry.
- Pon el aceite oliva en la sartén y continua freir.

[6] 고추참치를 넣어라 그리고 약불에서 5분간 볶아라

- Put red pepper tuna and fry on low heat 5 mins.
- Cuéce a fuego lento 5 mins.


[7] 계란을 넣고 약불에서 5분간 볶아라

- Put the egg in the pan and fry it 5 mins.
- Pon el huevo en la sartén y cuéce a fuego lento 5 mins

[8]  완성!

- That's it / Ya está


* Korean Language secition / Parte de la lengua coreana

K = ㄱ          Ch = ㅊ

I = ㅣ             I = ㅣ

M = ㅁ          Chi = 치

Kim = 김                                           

B  = ㅂ      Um = 음     B = ㅂ

O =  ㅗ                         O,A = ㅏ

K = ㄲ                          P = ㅂ, ㅃ , ㅍ

볶음 = FRY / FREIR

"Video how to make "Kimchi bok-um-bop"

Thank you

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Hello. Today, I'm going to recommend you one of my favorite Korean food, 떡볶이 "Duk-bok-ki" with my own recipe. It's extremely spicy and delicious. It's very easy to make and many foreigners like it, so try it!

     (Hola. Hoy voy a recomendaros una comida coreana mi favorita, se llama "Duk-bok-ki" con mi receta. Es muy muy picante y muy buena. Es muy fácil para hacerla y muchos extranjeros les gusta esta comida, por eso prueba esto!)

*재료 및과정(Ingredients and Directions/Ingredientes y proceso)

*2인분(For two people/Para dos personas)

  •  물(Water/Agua) 550ml

- 물을 넣으세요.
- Pour the water in the pan.
- Pon el agua en la sartén

  • (Rice cake/Torta de arroz)

- 떡을 준비하세요, 혹은 사세요.
- Prepare the rice cake or buy it.
- Prepara la torta de arroz o comprala.

  • 고추장
  • 설탕

- 준비
- Prepare.
- Prepara.

  •    1개(One green onion/Una cebolleta)

- 파를 일정한 크기로 자르세요.
- Cut the green onion in proper size.
- Cortala en tacos.

  •  오뎅(Oden)

- 오뎅을 준비하세요 그리고 옆에 보이는 사진처럼 일정한 크기로 자르세요.
- Prepare the oden and cut it as you can see in this picture.
- Prepara el oden y cortalo en tiras

  • 후라이팬에 고추장 두스푼을 넣으세요,그리고 물에 푸세요.

- Put the go-chu-jang into the pan and dissolve it with water.
- Pon el go-chu-jang en la sartén y disuelvelo con agua.

  •  떡을 넣으세요.

- Put the rice cake.
- Pon la torta de arroz.

  •  골고루 저어 주세요.

- Stir it well.
- Remuevelo bien.

  • 약불에 조리하세요.

- Boil it at week fire.
- Cuéce a fuego lento.

  •  모든 재료를 팬에 넣으세요.

- Put all ingredients in the pan.
- Pon todos ingredientes en la sartén

  •  국물이 걸쭉 해질 때 까지 끓이세요.

- Boil it to thicken.
- Cuécelo para espesar.

* You have to taste the dish to see how it is seasoned and add two teaspoons of sugar or more.

* Tienes que probarlo para ver que lo que sabor tiene y mezclar dos cucharaditas de azúcar.    

  •  완성!

- Done it!
- Ya está!


* 남은 국물에 라면사리를 끓여 비벼 먹으면 맛있어요!

-  You can mix ramen noodles with the soup. It's delicious!
-  Puedes mezclar fideos de ramen con la salsa. Está muy bueno!

*This is the video how to make "duk-bok-ki" from Youtube.
- Este es el video, como podemos hacer "duk-bok-ki" de Youtube.

*Language Section/Parte de lengua


떡 = Rice cake. (Torta de arroz)

볶이 =  Pan-broiled (Tostado)

A = ㅏ                    T = ㄸ (en Español) and ㅌ (en Inglés)

E =  ㅐ                    B = ㅂ

I  = ㅣ                     K = ㄲ

O = ㅗ                  

U = ㅜ , ㅓ

*Video to learn Korean/Video para aprender coreano

- Korean is not easy to learn, but i´m sure that it´s very interesting.
- Coreano es no muy fácil para aprender, pero estoy seguro que es muy interesante.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself a little bit.
I'm korean, but I study in spain. What I want to say is.. my English is not perfect, and also my Spanish is not very good. I studied Spanish 5 months.
Anyway, I'll try to let you know about the korean food and I'll explain it in English, Spanish, and also Korean. Furthermore, you can learn some Korean words if you want. I'll just try it, so understand me plz. Well.. that's it! I'll back into my own buisiness.


I'll introduce one of my favorite food from korea, bibimbop.
In my opinion, it's very good for your health.


쌀(Arroz/Rice) 102g, 달걀 1개(un Huevo/One Egg), 콩나물(Brotes de soja/Bean sprouts) 33g,
시금치(Espinaca/Spinach) 30g, 쇠고기(등심)[Sirloin/Lomo de vaca] 24g,
고사리(Bracken/Culantrilo) 20g, 당근(Carrot/Zanahoria) 16g,
고추장(Gochujang, Red peper paste/Gochuchang, Pasta de arroz mezclado con el chile rojo) 14g,
간장(Soy sauce/Salsa de soja) 4g, 참기름(Sesame oil/Aceite) 4g,
콩기름(Soybean oil/Aceite de soja) 3g, 파(Spring onion/Cebolleta) 1g, 깨(Sesame/Sésamo) 1g,
마늘(Garlic/ajo) 1g, 후추(pepper/pimienta) 1g


조리시간(Cooking time/Hora de cocina)
 - 30분(30min.)


 - 588kcal [1인분(for one person/para una persona)]

  • 과정(Directions/Proceso)

1. 쌀은 깨끗이 씻어 분량의 물을 넣고 밥을 지어 준비한다.

2. 콩나물과 시금치는 데친 후 무친다.

3. 소고기는 간장, 설탕, 다진 마늘, 후추, 참기름에 재워둔다.

4. 당근은 채썰어 팬에 볶아낸다.

5. 고사리는 간장, 참기름, 다진 마늘, 다진 파를 넣고 볶는다.

6. 재워둔 고기는 팬에 볶아낸다.

7. 계란은 반숙으로 후라이하여 준비한다.

8. 밥을 그릇에 담고 준비한 재료를 밥 위에 가지런히 담는다.

9. 고추장과 함께 제공한다.

10. 완성

[In English/Spanish]

  •  Make rice.(Haz el arroz)

If you don't know how to make rice, watch this video.(Si no sabes como hacer el arroz, ve este video.)

  •  Parboil bean sprouts and Spinach and then season these things.(Saltea los brotes de soja y las Espinacas y luego, condimenta estos.)


  • Season the sirloin with soy sauce, sugar, crushed garlic, pepper and sesame oil.(Reposa el lomo de vaca con la salsa de soja, el azucar, el ajo picado, la pimienta y el aceite.)

  • Julienne a carrot and roast with pan.(Corta la zanahoria en tiras y freir.)

  •  Fry the bracken with soy sauce, sesame oil, crushed garlic and crushed spring onion.

(Frie el helecho con la salsa de soja, el aceite, el ajo picado y la cebolleta picada.)

  •  Fry the sirloin in pan that seasoned very well.(Frie el lomo de vaca que ya ha reposado.)

  •  Prepare soft-boiled egg.(Prepara el huevo suave pasado por agua.)

  •  Put the rice and all the things that prepared into one plate whatever you want.

(Pon el arroz y todos ingredientes que ya ha preparado a una plato que te gustaria.)

  •  Eat with red pepper paste(Come con Pasta de arroz mezclado con el chile rojo)

*You can buy "Gochujang" in the korean supermarket.(Puedes comprar "Gochujang" en el mercado coreano, hay un mercado cerca de la estacion Alvarado y puedes encontrar la tienda dentro del mercado, se llama "서울 식품")

  •  That's it! (Ya está!)

<Language section(Para aprender coreano un poco)>

*Bibim = mixing  *bop = rice

b = ㅂ          bi = 비                                 a = ㅏ            o = ㅗ

m = ㅁ         bim = 빔                              e = ㅐ            u = ㅜ

p = ㅃ          bap = 밥                               i = ㅣ

*The one tip to understand korean is... just think about it like a draw.
(Si quieres entender coreano bien, mejor que pensar la lengua coreana, como el dibujo.)

This is a video clip how to make bibimbop. I think the recipe is a little bit different, but it doesn't matter.
- Este video es sobre como podemos hacer bibimbop. Pienso que la receta es un poco diferente de mío, pero bueno.

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